Legal Services Unit


The Legal Services Unit assists Jerusalemites in obtaining their legal rights of a social and economic nature, especially in matters of national insurance, residency, and construction without a license (pro bono services). The unit started its path by providing guidance and counselling to the beneficiaries on the one hand, as well as through awareness-raising meetings and trainings conducted by the center on the other hand.

Since October of 2011, the Legal Services Unit has started to represent beneficiaries in the field of building violations without a license with the help of specialized lawyers and to represent them before the various judicial.

We began to develop the unit's work in representing beneficiaries in residency cases (such as reclaiming withdrawn residency, representation in family unification cases, children's registration before the Ministry of Interior, visas, non-expulsion, and pleading before Israeli courts). The Center also represents the beneficiaries of insurance residency cases in the courts. The center has become the beneficiaries of collective punishment cases when it finds the need to do so. The center has already succeeded in recovering many of the residency permits withdrawn and registering many children, as well as success in many family unification cases after reversing the security ban or proving the center of life, as well as in protecting the homes of individuals from demolition. In this way, he was able to preserve some of the citizens' usurped rights.

The Legal Services Unit also aims, through its work, to involve the beneficiaries in knowing most of the existing steps in their file, and to make them aware of all the necessary procedures, which distinguishes the clinic from the private sector with free services. The center believes that the beneficiaries' knowledge and understanding of the details of their problems and the mechanisms for their solutions. The unit also seeks to advance the development of knowledge about dealing with the above topics among jurists, sociologists and others from the local community, through the issuance of publications on the subject, and through websites and awareness sessions.

  • Reception at the center from Saturday to Wednesday from 9:00 am to 15:00
  • The official holiday of the center is Thursday and Friday

About us

In 1999 Al-Quds University created the “Community Action Center” (“CAC”), a semi autonomous association, which aims to empower the Palestinian community in East Jerusalem. The CAC, located in the Old City of East Jerusalem as well as in the Al-Abraj Buildings in Abu Dis, is a Palestinian non-profit community rights-based organization.

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