About us

In 1999 Al-Quds University created the “Community Action Center” (“CAC”), a semi autonomous association, which aims to empower the Palestinian community in East Jerusalem. The CAC, located in the Old City of East Jerusalem as well as in the Al-Abraj Buildings in Abu Dis, is a Palestinian non-profit community rights-based organization. The main headquarters of CAC is situated in a beautiful 800-year-old building, originally a St. Julian Church, renovated by Al-Quds University in cooperation with the Welfare Association.

hrough its professional staff of different backgrounds and expertise, the CAC aims to empower the disadvantaged Palestinians of East Jerusalem to access their rights and entitlements and negotiate the complex bureaucratic procedures that control the flow of these rights. This mandate translates into empowering local residents to organize to solve collective problems with particular attention to social and economic inequality, and to mobilize their own volunteer capacity.


Vision & Mission

Out vision is to advocacy, empowerment, support, and activation of the roles of individuals, groups, organizations and different community categories especially the marginalized ones to change the policies and legislation that aim to access social and economic rights which contribute in developing the civil community in Jerusalem and Palestine in general.

The Community Action Center’s MISSION is threefold: to empower individuals and communities living in East Jerusalem, who were, are and will be denied basic social and economic rights; to make Jerusalemites aware of their own civil entitlements;
to access and build on other existing rights-based organizations in order to develop the basic, essential civic capacity needed in order to empower Palestinian civil society at all levels.

Meet Our Consulting Experts

Mounir Nusseibeh
Mounir Nusseibeh General Director
Radi Darwish
Radi DarwishAdvocate
Ashraf Qaraen
Ashraf Qaraen Advocate
Mohamed Shihabi
Mohamed Shihabi Legal Services Unit Coordinator
Legal Specialist
Happy Citizen
Success Stories

Work Overview

About us

In 1999 Al-Quds University created the “Community Action Center” (“CAC”), a semi autonomous association, which aims to empower the Palestinian community in East Jerusalem. The CAC, located in the Old City of East Jerusalem as well as in the Al-Abraj Buildings in Abu Dis, is a Palestinian non-profit community rights-based organization.

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